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Chapter 1

After typing 'How to write your first ever blog post?" in Google about 20 times now I have given up and decided to just go for it. Hi, from whatever device you are reading this from, I'm Hannah (not Baker), Hannah Billington. I'm a uni student at Nottingham Trent University currently studying Photography; so basically what I'm trying to say is I'm attempting to pursue something that so many people don't believe is a proper subject or proper job, howay man we're in the 21st century if you enjoy it don't listen to what anyone else has to say about it, just go for it.

Anyway, this is my first blog post for any (if anyone) who is reading. Over the past few months I have been pondering back and forth whether I should start this and kept on thinking what other people may think of it, but after a good talking to I told myself *Hannah, GET A GRIP, don't care what anyone else thinks*, so here goes, me talking to you on a webpage somewhere on the internet.

This is going to be somewhere I chat to myself and maybe you, whoever 'you' may be and post all of my latest photographs that I have took either for uni or in my spare time. I don't know what's next to come but I'm excited and I hope you are too. Thanks for reading, see you soon!

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